First of all thank you people for tremendous response to the blog
We have over 225 hits since 15 august and responce has been terrific
than what team TeckTadka expected
We r not posting any topics because people liked ebooks more than anything.
Silence was golden and now i have to do some query answering
over last 3 days (starting sunday) i m orkuttin regularly as i met few school peeps there, to my suprise i found out people dont know about orkut crush list
Well orkut crush list is a list where u keep those people whom u never told how much u loved them for one reason or another
Dont be afraid add anyone u liked to ur crush list (even ur neighbourhood girl) she wont recieve any message from orkut that u added him but in case she too adds you as a crush ORKUT will mail you both saying hello people you r a match
Aur jab pyar ka izhar ho gaya baki to chak de phatte