Will my blog convert to AirTel Fan blog??
well i love AirTel the Brand
(but not necessarily SRK, Sachin ,Kapoor Sisz who have endorsed it)
Many AirTel users ask me how to CONTROL their AirTel PostPaid Mobile BroadBand and Landline bills?
For people who complain that having PrePaid gives control on usage sorry people you r wrong
At AirTel you can control in almost real time (one day late to be precise)
To Get your Details AirTel has MyAirTel section at AirTel.IN
to start using this service you have to follow a one time registration priocedure as follows:
1 Goto AirTel.In
2 Click on Register Link at MyAirTel
3 Give your AirTel Details and Download form presented on the next page
4 Visit AirTel Relationship Centre with Printout of this form along with your photo and copy of last paid bill
5 You will be emailed your user id and password in few days and then u can control you AirTel PostPaid
Labels: AirTel