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Hi guys seems that people at Google are in love with feeds let see we already had Google Reader and Adsense for Feeds and now
Google has acquired (read BUY) Chicago-based FeedBurner a leading provider of feed distribution and management tools. giving it enough power in feed business and it sounds a good new for google products having feeds too espcially blogger.


Not only Google even its product Orkut is now learning to read feeds

Now, you can integrate (add) your blog, photos, events, bookmarks and more to your orkut profile. All you need is an RSS Feed or Atom feed address and orkut will automatically import it and fetch new items.

This will me to introduce (fantastic) feeds to some dumbos friends [and my cuzions - both young and the ones] who are reluctant to know about feeds but are orkut fans ( read ADDICTS) although some of my pals got enlightened on FEEDs thanks to Google Reader

Using Orkut as a FEED READER

If u want to read a feed on orkut just append the feed-url after and feed will open with ORKUT

Eg: Feed Url u want to read is then u can simply go to

Note: using this will neither subscribe you to the feed nor will it add it to your orkut profileI
I have also added an orkut button on the left bar and will add same to my email signature using the above technique

Coming back to feedburner story Although Adsense for Feeds might remain in extended BETA so as they come out integrated with feedburners own Feed Advertisement Program. Let's see

Related: Orkut Scraps to RSS Reader

okay guys before i end this something i found for Enlightened ORKUT ADDICTS
A step by step Guide to subscribing to Feeds of Orkut Communities with Orkut Feed (without even being a part that orkut community). You only need to know link of community To check whats happening in that Orkut Community


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