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Yahoo messenger had been missing on my desktop for years now. During graduation days, it used to be the most essential software on the desktop but gradually Yahoo messenger started losing market share due to rise of social networking. Most of my contacts moved on to Google Talk and Facebook Chat. Google Talk gain popularity during the Orkut era and friends continue to use the service but they usually use Google Talk from Gmail.

After using microsoft outlook for almost three years now in office, I feel it convienient to use Gmail from a desktop Client and am forced either to miss out on the chat fun or to use one of these two services which run from right inside your browser and suffer from attention starvation in case you are busy in some other thing. Although GTalk has a desktop client, I would avoid using it as it does not have an invisible option and thanks to a very useful Gmail feature a lot of unwanted contacts are present in my GTalk list.

My search for a decent desktop messenger landed me back to Yahoo. I was little keen to install the beta version and finally installed it last week and I am impressed.

The best feature of the beta version is the intercompatibilty with Facebook Chat.
Yahoo Messenger 11 allows you to connect your Yahoo account to Facebook and Twitter account and check Facebook and Twitter feed from the Messenger itself. Your online FB contacts are shown as a separate group in Yahoo Messenger. It also allows you to place social games with your friends. You can also update Twitter, Pulse and Facebook status from messenger itself. And with new conversation history feature , it gives Gtalk a run for their money.

All you facebook chatters out there :
Download the new Yahoo! Messenger Beta at following Learn more about new features at Yahoo Messenger Blog

With this addition, Yahoo messenger can be used to chat with Facebook and Windows Live friends . I wish Gtalk and Yahoo start talking to each other soon.


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