Well this is another event coverage at Tecktadka following the HMR & Anugoong Auditions.
Today me, bala, lala, pandey & DK (later joined by amit) attended the finals of the Microsoft's Imagine Cup India Finals 2007. The reporting time for UN members was 9 am, but we all reached late with absolutely no reaction from anyone as we had upheld the tradition of the UN.
As soon as we reached the venue(Air Force Auditorium, Subroto Park) we were bitterly disappointed to see empty stalls(snacks one) but we didn't give up and decided to eat inside the kitchen only to be expelled with honor from there. Then we checked out few of the participating teams not necessarly their projects.
Then, we had the lunch session and luckily we were the favoured first there too.. The next were the presentations in the main Auditorium and the first prize went to Project - RECOG (best & crowd favourite for obvious reasons).
Then came the most important achievement of the day besides seats in DTC & free lunch, "PVR Movie Tickets" Thanks to amit's commitment(source of inspiration for us) , Bala's brand name & dk's HARD work, we won(virtually) 2 PVR Movie Tickets.
For the real story, read here...